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Archival Photo Restoration

7th Jan 2015

Before the digital age, photo restoration was not something widely available to the general public. Restorations were reserved for important works or art, and socially meaningful photographs. Art restorers at museums would make repairs directly on the original photograph by airbrushing over the damage. This method remains the preferred technique for repairing valuable historical photos, but it is very expensive and often times, the photo is not restored to “good as new” condition.

Today, we are able to take advantage of all sorts of new technologies that allow us to repair damaged photos at very reasonable prices. Instead of working directly on the damaged photo, a digital copy is created. Then, this copy is imported into photo editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop, and the necessary repairs are made on the computer. Professional photo restorers can do anything from piecing together and repairing torn photographs to removing people or objects from a photo completely.

A “before” photo – notice all of the creases and folds at the top of the baby’s head

After – the professionally retouched photograph

A fair amount of education and training is required to have the skills needed to do these repairs. If you have photos that have been damaged in any way, be sure to bring them to a photo restoration professional. At Berger Bros. Camera, we have a staff of highly qualified photo restoration experts who can save your treasured memories. For more information, visit our website, or stop in to either of our retail locations in Syosset and Amityville, or our Center for Photographic Art in Huntington Village.

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